Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sarah Makes Her Own Word Searches

I don't mean to go all Martha Stewart mom on you, but I found something really cool. You can make your own word search on the internet.

This morning my son asked me if I would make him a word search for his elective homework assignment.

I said yes.

Back in the day (and by back in the day, I mean back when I lived at my parents house before college and actually had leisure time) I used to make word searches for fun. Yes, I am a geek. I also think writing crostics would be awesome. Let's just accept that and move on.

What I forgot was that it was time consuming and back then I didn't have to do laundry for four people or cook dinner for anybody. I also didn't have any jobs, deadlines, pets or debilitating twitter addictions.

So I did what anyone would do. I searched for a way to make my own word search.

And lo and behold. Discovery Education totally had my back.

This may be one of the easiest things I have ever done.

Then I added all of their spelling words from school.

And there it was!

It took me more time to search for "make my own word search" than it did to make the thing.

And I impressed the children, which isn't easy to do.

My kids are still at the table working on their fancy new word search.

I bookmarked the page. We're doing this one again.

* * *
Nobody paid me anything or asked me to write about this. I just thought it was cool and a very useful tool. Hey! I'm a poet and didn't know it.

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