Saturday, January 2, 2010

Sarah Reviews the Nikon D90

A couple of months ago (okay, a lot of months ago, like six) Nikon let me borrow a D90 to take on the Mom Road Trip.

I was excited. I had wanted a DSLR forever and just months before my husband went out and bought a D60 which we loved.

But the D90 took video.

The very first picture I took was out of the window on 495 (The Beltway to anyone not from around here). Devra was driving easily 65 mph and my picture came out crystal clear.

The 270 Split

I couldn't believe it. I honestly took the camera out of the box, removed the lens cap, turned it on and pushed the button. That is all.

The D60 is an amazing camera. The D90 is an entirely different animal.

A way better animal.

A faster, cooler, more evolved animal.

The D90 is Marsha to the D60's Jan.

Love, True Love

I could rant and rave and tell you how I call the camera "My Precious" or how when I have to return Precious to her rightful owner I will have to take to my bed and draw the curtains for a fortnight. I could get technical and tell you all of the Nikon D90's qualifications.

Instead, I want to show you some of the pictures I have taken with the Nikon D90 since July.


Devra in Giant.

Laurie and Sarah

Laurie Smithwick took this of Laurie White and me with the D90 at BlogHer.

Claudia Swimming

Claudia before her swimming lesson.

Leaving Chicago



My husband took this one.

Iowa Sky 2

He took this one too. Also out of a moving car window.


My son

Ian - Forlorn

and again


At MiniBar

Last One

Philadelphia sunset

Golden Gate Bridge

The Golden Gate Bridge

I Should Shoot Heineken Commercials

Beer Represented

Kitty Through the Window

My Cat Through the Window


The Beastie Boys Pose

More Sid and Klaus

Sid and Klaus

Joe Flacco's feet aren't touching the ground

The Ravens (I was way up in a lower level box here)

Pre-Sledding Injury

Pre-Sledding Injury


Stella (my husband took this one too)




Nikon was actually pretty smart to let me borrow the D90. I mean, assuming they can pry it out of my hands, I'll probably end up buying one of my own.

* * *
Full Disclosure: Nikon let me borrow the D90 and a lens. They did not give me anything to keep nor did they give me any money. These are my words, my photographs and my opinions. Every picture posted here was taken with a Nikon D90.


Devra said...

I can vouch that when Sarah took the picture of that sign she was ecstatic. I mean so excited that had she been a puppy she would have peed in our rental car.

My D90, okay Nikon's D90, is called Murray. I don't want to give him back to his rightful owner at all. I think it would be too traumatic, for me, to remove him from our home. He takes amazing pictures, the video quality is terrific and even my kids have figured out how to take pictures with him. I mean it.

It's an awesome cameral, I second everything Sarah said, and it's not just because I'm trying to kiss ass to keep Murray.

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

She is right. I would have peed in the car.

I'm not proud, but I am honest.

tammy said...

First, did you retouch any? Second, can you make them let me borrow one?

This doesn't ask for an e-mail address like your regular blog, but you know it :)

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